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Unable to detect maps

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:46 am
by RavenHK
Hi Everyone,

I have a FlyAudio system which uses PapaGo v8.5.20 in my car. I have being using MFM maps for the past 6 years (updating every month) without issues. Starting with the November 2019 update, my system no longer detects any of the new maps that have been released. The last working map is October 2019. Has there been changes to the map files to cause this? Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Edit: I download the MFM-PAPAGO!-X8.5~X9 MY/SG/BN MAP for my system.

Re: Unable to detect maps

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:33 pm
by RavenHK
With the latest March 2020 update, my car system was able to detect it. It would seem to me something got broken in the previous 4 updates as my system is perfectly fine without any issues. To the developers of MFM...I hope future updates will work as normal (like it has been all these years) and the recent breakage was just an anomaly :)