Changing/force flashing other firmware to Garmin's PND are VERY RISKY. Do it at your own risk!!!
This tutorial is the howto convert Garmin's GPS software in GCD format to service firmware RGN. The service firmware is useful when we want to 'force' update the GPSr with any version or region.
1) UNP2 : tool for extracting boot and data sections from gcd
2) merge105 : tool for merging the boot and data sections into a rgn file
3) updater.exe : tool for sending the rgn file to GPSr. I think you already have it
Now the steps. First of all, backup your files. You can try make the rgn for your GPSr's current version, gupdate.gcd
1) Extract boot section from gupdate.gcd using unp2.exe
Code: Select all
> unp2.exe 1021 0008 GUPDATE.GCD boot.bin
2) If everything OK, the boot.bin will be created with the filesize MUST be bigger than 0.
Example boot.bin from 765MYSG210's gupdate.gcd
boot.bin : 1146900 byte
3) Now to get the data section. This the 'hardest' part in this tutorial...
4) Use a hex editor, find this hexadecimal string. BD0200FF
5) Record/remember the location/offset of the string. Value is in hexadecimal. Example : for 765MYSG210's gupdate.gcd the offset value is 11909F
Code: Select all
> unp2.exe 11909F 02BD GUPDATE.GCD data.bin
6) The data.bin file will be create and the filesize MUST be bigger than 0 byte.
Example :
data.bin : 14800128 bytes
7) Combine/merge both files to create the rgn file. You can use the
GUI or, directly from command line.
Code: Select all
> merge105.exe boot.bin data.bin 765SG210.rgn
Congratulation, now you have the RGN file.
Easy ?
I hope this is useful for you, and use it wisely.
Mohammad Bahathir Hashim
If you are a Unix or GNU/Linux user, you can try this bash shell scripts, that automate the process. Yup, the script help to convert GCD into RGN in less than 5 seconds .
Code: Select all
# Simple GCD to RGN converter
# Mohammad Bahathir Hashim
# 2009 :
# Free distributable with GPL v3.
# You need to have wine, unp2.exe, merge105.exe and binfind
# Usage: in.gcd out.rgn
offset=`binfind -ox -x BD0200FF $1 | head -1`
wine /path/to/unp2.exe 1021 0008 $1 boot.bin &
wine /path/to/unp2.exe $offset 02BD $1 data.bin
wine /path/to/merge105.exe boot.bin data.bin $2
Note: If you want to copy this tutorial to other websites, please keep the email address intact.
Thank you....
p/s: Moderator, if possible, put this in Library to... TQ.