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Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:02 pm
by moeyhc
Greetings,..... Merry Christmas!

Cold is an understatement last week in Beijing, China. The coldest winter in 10 years and we were there trying to explore its splendor. All were frozen but still no snow.... what a disappointment. Here are some pictures taken with my Nikon D7000 with no editing or Photoshop (as is where is). Hope you enjoy it as much as we do... cheers

TiananMen Square the World largest City Square capable of accommodating 1 million people.

The Forbidden City Walls stood tall for hundreds of years - lasting through two Dynasties (The Ming & Qing)

The Majestic Imperial Palace where the rules of Law originated.

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:02 pm
by moeyhc
The Temple Of Heaven where the Emperor seek blessings and divine knowledge.

A frozen lake in front of our 'Imperial Lunch' restaurant.

The Great Wall Of China @Badaling. One of the seven wonders of the World. It was -9 degC with wind chill of -16 degC.

more to follow..... Cheers!

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:12 pm
by moeyhc
The Summer Palace where the Old Empress escape the hot summer months.

The crack ice on the lake

Built using military funding that bankrupt the country.... Ultimately loosing the country to the French & English

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:12 pm
by moeyhc
Even its Officials residence are beautifully planned...
10The Prime Minister Residence Lake1.jpg

Took a group Trishaw ride onto the streets of Old Beijing.
11TrishawRideThroughOld Beijing1.jpg

This is the last of the Beijing City Wall that protect this city for thousands of years.

more to come....

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:00 am
by ace
if all this photos are taken with the D7000 without any alteration via photoshop,etc.....than I think I want a D7000 for Christmas....

SANTA, where are you? :mrgreen: :lol:

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:15 am
by moeyhc
Calling Santa.... come in Santa..... over!

Bro ace.... get your wallet out and heads to the nearest Nikon store. All photos as is where is basis..... no Photoshop just re-sized to fit this post.

Merry Christmas...

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:03 am
by moeyhc
The Original Beijing Duck... I checked the passport/ID... :mrgreen:

The World's Largest Resort garden in Chengde where the imperial family spend their Summer Months

Ice Skkating on the frozen lake.

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:11 am
by moeyhc
Picture perfect scenery at this beautiful lake garden. The water is from underground Hot Spring and remains liquid throughout winter.

Model after the very well known Potala Temple in Tibet

The Mini Potala Temple in Chengde

more to come....

Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:26 pm
by sunn
Hi moeyhc,

Are all the photos captured on Auto? I like the clarity of the Beijing Duck.

I find that the D7000 AF is quite difficult to master.

Just got the D7000 two weeks ago. Still learning but went paparazzing with my daughters snapping the Taiwanese stars "AK" during their gathering with their fans (AK! -thats what my daughter called them).

Also, looking at the 50mm/f1.4D lens for bokeh shots. :mrgreen:


Re: Wintery Beijing 12th to 20th Dec 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:07 pm
by moeyhc
Greetings Bro sunn,

For most of the shots it was done in the auto mode... little time to fiddle with the control while on tour. The Duck was captured using the Scene mode for Food. I don't find the auto focus hard to use, in fact it covers a wide area of the scene to improve clarity. The most impressive part of the D7000 is the battery. It lasted a whole day on a single charge (>800 shots - non flash) in sub zero temperature. I even left it ON while not shooting as the little current drain will keep the battery warmer.

The most fun part of this camera is shooting into the Sun in auto mode... it does everything as shown below... Impressive

Do post some of your pictures HERE for us to enjoy .... cheers