Pro RV 4x4 centre new address

Moderators: Chuah, Moderators, Regional Mappers

Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:24 am
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Pro RV 4x4 centre new address

Postby tonyyan » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:21 am

Just noticed that Pro RV 4x4 centre formerly located at 158 Rangoon Rd. S 218046 has now shifted to 2 Kallang Pudding rd. MacTech Indust'l Bldg. S349307.

Thank you to all of you mappers for your continual effort in bringing to our local GPS community the updates and improvements for our local maps.

I find the automobile GOS an empowering tool as I have less hassles when looking for an unfamiliar place .

Your combined voluntary effort is much appreciated and laudable.

Thank you for an on-going task well done.


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